St John's Church of England

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01942 222133

St John's Church of England

Primary School

Year Six 2023-2024

"Love one another as God loves us."

(John 13:34)

Welcome to our Year six class page! 

This is where you can find out what we get up to each term. You can take a look at our learning through our pictures, videos and information we upload. We hope you find this page useful. Please remember to come and see us after school if you have any questions.  

Mrs Thomas and Mrs Rourke.


Take a look at the fantastic year ahead for year 6

Here are the knowledge organisers for autumn term

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Here are the knowledge organisers for spring term

Showing 1-1 of 1

Here are the knowledge organisers for summer term

Parent folder
 PSHE 1.pdfDownload
 PSHE 2.pdfDownload
 RE 1.pdfDownload
 RE 2.pdfDownload
 Science Evolution and inheritance.pdfDownload
 Science Light.pdfDownload
Showing 11-16 of 16

Year 6 had a wonderful day in Windermere. We used our geographical skills to map our journey and recognise symbols on an Ordnance survey map as well as recognising the changes that the train station brought to Windermere. We finished the day with a delicious ice cream. Amazing!

Year 6 participated in their own ‘Come dine with me’ extravaganza! They researched their recipes, chopped and mixed their ingredients and prepared their amazing meals. Well done year 6!

In Our science lessons, year six have investigated what blood is made up of. They learned that blood consists of platelets; that help blood to clot, white blood cells; that fight infection, red blood cells; that carry oxygen around our bodies and plasma; that carries all parts of the blood through the circulatory system. As super scientists, they made their own blood and described the functions. Well done!

On Monday, Greater Manchester Police came to year six to talk about knife crime. As per usual, year six  were very mature and listened to all the important information given to them. The children talked about how knife crime affects families and the community and how devastating this can be. We would like to send a massive thank you to Greater Manchester Police for a wonderful morning.