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St John's Church of England

Primary School

Year Four

Friday 28th April 2017

Happy Summer Term everyone! I can't believe that it's already the Summer Term! 

We've had a fantastic start to the final term in Year 4 and I'm so proud of each and everyone of them - such a fantastic group of children. 

This afternoon, we have begun our new History topic: Ancient Egyptians! We have had a fantastic afternoon involving a carousel of activities; 'Dig It' which was an archaeological exploration to find artefacts! 'Crack the Code' where we used our problem solving skills to crack hieroglyph words and then write our own secret messages. 'Discover the Tomb' where we took it in turns to explore the tomb and discover countless wonders! 

See our photographs below! 

Mrs Cheshire xx

Thursday 1st December 2016


Look what we found under our tree this morning! Looks like Santa received our letters! He's very handily decorated our classroom so it's brimming with Christmas spirit. We're not sure what his name is, or if he will be good or naughty, but we know he is reporting back to Santa!


Elf update:

Whilst we were at church he climbed the tree! We think he was heading for the star but had to stop when Reception class walked past our classroom.


No further movements (or mischief) as yet!


Happy 1st of December!


Miss Myers



Thursday 10th November 2016


We had a fantastic day yesterday at Clitheroe Castle. We learnt a lot whilst having lots of fun too! Take a look at our pictures below!

Everyone was very well-behaved and represented St John's perfectly!

Miss Myers


Wednesday 22nd September 2016


Below you can find out what we will be learning this half term.

There is most definitely a lot to look forward to!

Miss Myers



Monday 19th September 2016

Welcome to a new week, I can't believe it's week three already!

Below I have attached a copy of the times table homework, for this week - everyone knows which times table they are focused on this week ready for our test on Friday. 

Homework is always given out on Mondays (spellings / times tables) and is due back in on Fridays. 

Miss Myers


Enter text...


Friday 8th September 2016


I can't believe that we've already reached the end of our first week in Year 4!

This week, I have been very impressed, especially in Maths and English. Everyone is eager to learn and has tried their best.

I've uploaded our acrostic poem about this half term's Christian Value, which is 'Generosity'.

I feel so lucky to have such a fantastic class and I know this year will be truly amazing!

Don't forget you can access Spellodrome and Mathletics using the same log in details

Enjoy your weekend! 

Miss Myers




Monday 5th September 2016


I can't wait to welcome the new Year 4 tomorrow morning!

Our superhero themed classroom is all ready and waiting for lots of exciting learning opportunities ahead. I hope all my Y4 superheroes are ready to work hard and try their best! We have lots of wonderful things happening this year, so look out for all our news, photographs and more!

See you in the morning!


Miss Myers
